This momentous year could mark one of those rare moments when the old world order is swept away and something new, and hopefully better, emerges, says Graham Lawton
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16 December 2020

THROUGHOUT this strange, scary but wierdly exhilarating year, an old saying has often popped into my head: тАЬMay you live in interesting times.тАЭ This supposedly ancient Chinese curse тАУ though no such expression actually exists in the Chinese language тАУ is meant ironically. Perhaps it is derived from an actual Chinese saying: тАЬBetter to be a dog in times of tranquillity than a human in times of chaos.тАЭ
It has been chaos, but fascinating all the same, and I donтАЩt yearn for tranquillity just yet. I have no desire to see yet more sacrifices made and losses endured, but we тАж