Russia expels diplomats as tensions rise over Navalny protests | Politics News | Russia expels diplomats as tensions rise over Navalny protests | Politics News


Russia has announced the expulsion of diplomats from Sweden, Germany and Poland, accusing them of taking part in illegal protests last month against the jailing of Kremlin critic Alexey Navalny.

The foreign ministry said in a statement on Friday that Moscow considered the actions of the diplomats unacceptable and that it expects diplomats from the countries to тАЬstrictly follow the norms of international lawтАЭ in the future, as tensions between the Kremlin and the West ratchet up,

The ministry said the unspecified number of individuals who тАЬtook part in illegal protests were declared persona non grataтАЭ and тАЬordered to leave Russia in the near futureтАЭ.

The move came hours after the European UnionтАЩs top diplomat, Josep Borrell, met with Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov in Moscow.

Borrell тАЬstrongly condemnedтАЭ the action, a spokesman said, while Sweden branded it тАЬcompletely unfoundedтАЭ.

NavalnyтАЩs jailing has prompted mass nationwide demonstrations and condemnation from the EU and several Western nations, with calls for sanctions on Russia growing in Europe. Moscow has so far brushed off the foreign criticism as external interference, accusing the West of hysteria and double standards.

Borrell, the EUтАЩs high representative for foreign affairs and security policy, said on Friday that the blocтАЩs ties with Russia had plunged to a new low point following NavalnyтАЩs sentencing earlier this week.

тАЬOur relationship is indeed in a difficult moment,тАЭ he told Lavrov, adding that EU-Russia ties are тАЬunder severe strain and the Navalny case is a low point.тАЭ

Al JazeeraтАЩs Aleksandra Godfroid, reporting from Moscow, said Russia was тАЬraising the stakesтАЭ with its move to expel the diplomats.

тАЬIt wants to send a very clear message that they [Russian authorities] are not going to listen to the messages and requests coming from the EU regarding Navalny, his court hearings or regarding demonstrations and rallies here in Russia,тАЭ she said.

Navalny in court again

Navalny, Russian President Vladimir PutinтАЩs most prominent opponent, was jailed on Tuesday for almost three years over alleged parole violations of a suspended sentence linked to a 2014 embezzlement case, which he has said was politically motivated.

He was initially arrested on January 17 upon returning to Russia from the German capital, Berlin, where he spent five months recovering from an alleged nerve-agent poisoning he blames on the Kremlin.

The Kremlin denies involvement in the August 2020 incident and says it has seen no evidence Navalny was poisoned.

The 44-year-old appeared in court again on Friday morning to face charges he slandered a World War II veteran who took part in a promotional video backing last yearтАЩs reforms that allow Putin run for two more terms in the Kremlin after 2024.

Navalny described the people in the video as traitors without a conscience and as corrupt lackeys.

The politician on Friday slammed the new hearing as a тАЬdisgusting PR trialтАЭ intended by the Kremlin to disparage him.

If convicted, Navalny faces a fine or community service.

Macron, Biden weigh in

The hearing came after French President Emmanuel Macron and US President Joe Biden issued scathing statements on Thursday over RussiaтАЩs handling of NavalnyтАЩs case.

Macron, for his part, said the Kremlin criticsтАЩ jailing, which has prompted protests in towns and cities throughout Russia, was a тАЬhuge mistakeтАЭ for the latterтАЩs stability.

тАЬThe Navalny case is a very serious situation,тАЭ Macron told an online forum sponsored by the Atlantic Council, a Washington-based think-tank, from the Elysee Palace in Paris.

The French leader added it was important to remain engaged with Moscow, however.

тАЬI advocate ongoing dialogue because you have to deal with your history and geography. Russia is part of Europe,тАЭ he said.

Biden, meanwhile, said on Thursday that the US would no longer be тАЬrolling over in the face of RussiaтАЩs aggressive actionsтАЭ and his officials said they would take action against Moscow over Navalny and for other тАЬmalignтАЭ behaviour.

The Kremlin on Friday lashed out against BidenтАЩs comments, slamming them as тАЬaggressive and unconstructive rhetoricтАЭ.

тАЬWeтАЩve already said that we will not heed patronising statements of this sort,тАЭ said PutinтАЩs spokesman Dmitry Peskov.

The Kremlin has also said recent protests over NavalnyтАЩs arrest which saw tens of thousands take to the streets in towns and cities across Russia were broken up by police because they were illegal.

More than 10,000 people have been arrested for taking part in the demonstrations, according to protest-monitoring group OVD-Info.


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