Realme Buds Air 2 were teased by the company’s India chief Madhav Sheth in a video shared publicly on social media on Monday. The new truly wireless (TWS) earbuds by the Chinese company are expected to come as the successor to the Realme Buds Air that were launched in December 2019. In addition to the teaser video shared by Sheth, the Realme Buds Air 2 appeared on a screenshot that was allegedly shared from the Realme Link app. The new TWS earbuds are speculated to carry a model number RMX2003 that purportedly appeared on the website of the Standard and Industrial Research Institute of Malaysia (SIRIM).
The 45-second video shared by Realme India and Europe CEO Madhav Sheth on Twitter appears to provide us with a glimpse of the Realme Buds Air 2 earbuds. Although the executive didn’t provide any concrete details about the new earbuds in the video, he did suggest some of its features. These include active noise cancellation (ANC), which isn’t there on the original Realme Buds Air but featured on the superior Realme Buds Air Pro.
In addition to ANC, the Realme Buds Air 2 will come with a transparency mode to let users hear outside sound while listening to their favourite tracks. The new model is also expected to have some design-level changes over the existing Realme Buds Air.
Aside from the teaser video, GSMArena reports that a person familiar with the development shared a screenshot of the Realme Link app that allegedly shows the Realme Buds Air 2 listed among supported devices. It showed the earbuds in Black colour option, though the company could bring some other shades as well.
Gadgets 360 wasn’t able to independently verify the appearance of the Realme Buds Air 2 on the Realme Link app.
Earlier this month, the Realme Buds Air 2 purportedly appeared on Malaysia’s SIRIM with the model number RMX2003, alongside the Realme Buds Q2, Realme C21, and Realme 30A. The earbuds also allegedly surfaced on the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in December with a model number RMA2003. That listing suggested a charging case with a 400mAh battery.
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