In Pictures: Vaccinations roll out in stadiums, cathedrals, buses | Gallery News | In Pictures: Vaccinations roll out in stadiums, cathedrals, buses | Gallery News


Sports stadiums, cathedrals and theme parks the world over have been rapidly repurposed as temporary vaccination centres in a global drive to administer the life-saving jabs.

Hallowed sports grounds such as Wembley Stadium, LordтАЩs cricket ground and Bath racecourse are among numerous sports venues opened for vaccines in the United Kingdom, one of the quickest countries to roll out vaccinations.

Signs at LordтАЩs iron gates showed a cricketer whacking not a ball but a spiky red COVID-19 virus, with the legend: тАЬAiming to knock COVID for 6.тАЭ

тАЬItтАЩs such an iconic place,тАЭ said one recipient, Gerardine Heneghan, 71. тАЬAnd all those amazing cricketers тАж love it!тАЭ

тАЬI thought it might be at my GP surgery which is literally down the road,тАЭ said another, Richard Bettinson, 67. тАЬBut to come here is really good.тАЭ

In Salisbury Cathedral, health workers primed their syringes in front of gold-painted altarpieces and vaccination tables were spaced among the soaring stone columns as jovial organ music filled the air.

тАЬThe cathedral, for 800 years, has stood here for two reasons. One is to give glory to God; the other is to serve GodтАЩs people,тАЭ said the dean of the cathedral, Nick Papadopulos.

тАЬRight now, this is the most effective way we can do both those things.тАЭ

In a wood-panelled room in the Vatican, residents of a papal homeless shelter sat in a reclining chair as a vaccine-giver in pure white scrubs and visor inoculated them.

For some of those who cannot easily go to get their jabs, the vaccines come to them instead.

In eastern France, the church bells chimed in Mery-Premecy as the тАЬVacciтАЩbusтАЭ pulled into the village. Elderly local people stepped on board and sat down to receive their jabs from members of the local rescue service.

тАЬFor people of a certain age who are in remote villages and cannot move around easily, this bus is a real godsend for them,тАЭ said one vaccinator on board, Jeremy Miclo.

One of the countries hardest-hit by the COVID-19 pandemic, Brazil, used its most famous landmark to celebrate the launch of vaccinations using the Chinese-made Coronavac jab.

Recipients took the needle under the shadow of Rio de JaneiroтАЩs Christ the Redeemer statue high on a hill overlooking the city.

One of the first, Dulcineia da Silva, 59, opened her arms wide like the iconic statue as she faced the cameras, her vaccination certificate in one hand.

Syrian refugee Fatima Ali received her vaccine sitting in the minibus that brought her to the clinic in Mafraq, Jordan. She fled the ongoing war in her country seven years ago with her husband and six children, finding shelter in a refugee camp near Mafraq.

тАЬI am so happy that I got vaccinated,тАЭ she said, dressed in a black face mask and headscarf.

тАЬMay God bless them all and end this pandemic, so we can go back to our country and see our children.тАЭ

After 10 months shut down by the pandemic, the Disneyland theme park in palm-lined California came back to life as a vaccination centre, aiming to give 7,000 shots a day.

Mitra Fard, pushing her newly vaccinated 83-year-old mother in a wheelchair back from the white vaccination tents, said there had been a тАЬlong lineтАЭ and an extra hourтАЩs delay.

тАЬBut for the number of people, the number of cars, theyтАЩre doing a great job.тАЭ


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