Converting diesel engine tractors into CNG ones | Converting diesel engine tractors into CNG ones

The Karnataka-based MRN group, owned by Mines and Geology Minister Murugesh R. Nirani, who also runs a sugar production and other agro-based business, has signed a pact with Rawmatt Industries Pvt. Ltd. to convert 500 diesel tractors into CNG engine tractors in the first phase.

The agreement was reached between Rawmatt and Vijay Nirani, Managing Director of MRN Group, during the launch of CNG tractor in New Delhi in the presence of Union Minister for Road Transport and Highways Nitin Gadkari, Union Agriculture Minister Narendra Singh Tomar, and Petroleum and Natural Gas Minister Dharmendra Pradhan.

Cost of conversion

The cost of converting the diesel engine tractor into a CNG tractor was around тВ╣2 lakh to тВ╣2.5 lakh. The MRN group would set up CNG dispensation stations which include an engine conversion set up and CNG gas station at Bagalkot district.

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