British PM says new COVID variant may be more deadly | Coronavirus pandemic News | British PM says new COVID variant may be more deadly | Coronavirus pandemic News


British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has said the new variant of COVID-19 first identified in England may be associated with a higher level of mortality although he said evidence showed both vaccines being used in the country are effective against it.

Johnson said the effect of the new variant, which is already known to be more transmissible, was putting the health service under тАЬintense pressureтАЭ.

тАЬWeтАЩve been informed today that in addition to spreading more quickly, it also now appears that there is some evidence that the new variant тАУ the variant that was first discovered in London and the southeast (of England) тАУ may be associated with a higher degree of mortality,тАЭ he told a news briefing.

Johnson said however all current evidence showed both vaccines remained effective against old and new variants.

Chief Scientific Adviser Patrick Vallance said the evidence about mortality levels was тАЬnot yet strongтАЭ, and came from a тАЬseries of different bits of informationтАЭ, stressing there was great uncertainty around the data.

He said once people reached hospital, there was no greater risk, but there were signs that people who had the UK variant were at more risk overall.

тАЬThereтАЩs no real evidence of an increase in mortality for those in hospital. However, when data are looked at in terms of those whoтАЩve been tested positive тАж there is evidence that thereтАЩs an increased risk for those who have the new variant, compared to the old virus,тАЭ he said.

He said for a man in his sixties, the average risk was that 10 in 1,000 people who got infected would be expected to die, but that this rose to roughly 13 or 14 people in 1,000 with the new variant тАУ a 30-40 percent increase.

тАЬI want to stress that thereтАЩs a lot of uncertainty around these numbers and we need more work to get a precise handle on it,тАЭ he said.

тАЬBut it obviously is a concern that this has an increase in mortality as well as an increase in transmissibility.тАЭ

But Al JazeeraтАЩs Neave Barker, reporting from London, said scientists seemed more concerned about the growing evidence that suggested new variants recorded in South Africa and Brazil had features that could reduce the potency of the vaccines that have been developed so far.

тАЬThey know that the UK variant can be treated but these other two there may be some problems,тАЭ he said.

тАЬSo concerns that are being raised about people arriving into the country from these infected areas, and what would happen given the numbers are already very high if these particular strains started to take off within the population too.тАЭ

Fresh blow

The warning about the higher risk of death from the new variant identified in the UK late last year, came as a fresh blow after the country had earlier been buoyed by news the number of new COVID-19 infections was estimated to be shrinking by as much as 4 percent a day.

Data published earlier on Friday showed 5.38 million people had been given their first dose of a vaccine, with 409,855 receiving it in the past 24 hours, a record high so far.

England and Scotland announced new restrictions on January 4 to stem a surge in the disease fuelled by the highly transmissible new variant of the coronavirus, which has led to record numbers of daily deaths and infections this month.


The closely watched reproduction тАЬRтАЭ number was estimated to be between 0.8 and one, down from a range of 1.2 to 1.3 last week, meaning on average, every 10 people infected will infect between eight and 10 other people.

But the Office for National Statistics estimated that the prevalence overall remained high, with about one in 55 people having the virus.

тАЬCases remain dangerously high and we must remain vigilant to keep this virus under control,тАЭ the health ministry said. тАЬIt is essential that everyone continues to stay at home, whether they have had the vaccine or not.тАЭ

The UK has recorded more than 3.5 million infections and nearly 96,000 deaths тАУ the worldтАЩs fifth-highest toll тАУ while the economy has been hammered. Figures on Friday showed public debt at its highest level as a proportion of gross domestic product (GDP) since 1962, and retailers had their worst year on record.


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