Britannia Industries shares slipped 1 per cent on the BSE after the bakery products and biscuit maker reported a 22.4 per cent rise in consolidated net profit at Rs 452.6 crore for the third quarter ended December 2020. At 10:00 am, the shares of Britannia Industries were trading at Rs 3,505.10, down 1 per cent, on the BSE.
Britannia Industries’ total revenue from operations rose 6.13 per cent to Rs 3,165.61 crore during the quarter under review against Rs 2,982.68 crore in the year-ago period, the company said on February 5.
The BSE Sensex was trading at 51,370.55, higher by 623 points or 1.22 per cent and the NSE Nifty was at 15,101.95, up 178 points or 0.18 per cent at the time.
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