Aadhaar is not mandatory for registration on Co-WIN portal, Union Minister of State for Health Ashwini Choubey informed Lok Sabha on Friday. Providing details about the Co-WIN portal, which has been created along with the CoWin mobile app to streamline the COVID-19 vaccination drive in India, he said it has been developed by the Ministry of Health, Government of India with the support from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), India Office.┬а
On whether Aadhaar is mandatory for registering on the Co-WIN application, Choubey, in a written reply, said, “No, Aadhaar is not mandatory for registration on Co-WIN portalтАЭ. He further said that a total Rs.┬а58.90 lakhs has been incurred on Co-WIN, as on February 1 this year.┬а┬а
On whether any privacy impact assessments were carried out to develop the application, Choubey said, “Yes, privacy impact assessments were carried out for Co-WIN portal. For data safety, data is encrypted using a highly secure key, no unauthorised access to database on AWS server is allowed and restricted access to relational database service (to decrease the risk of malicious activities).”┬а
The Co-WIN application follows the privacy policy as stated in the National Digital Health Mission (NDHM), he added.┬а
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