5 kg of ganja seized, 5 held

HamaraTimes.com | 5 kg of ganja seized, 5 held

Sleuths of Police Commissioner’s Task Force (CTF) seized 510 grams of liquid ganja and five kg dry ganja on Saturday. They arrested five persons, including two engineering students. The gang was procuring the contraband from the Agency area in Visakhapatnam district, said Police Commissioner B. Srinivasulu.

On a tip-off, the team led by CTF Additional Deputy Commissioner of Police (ADCP) K.V. Srinivas and ACPs V.S.N. Varma and G.V. Ramana Murthy conducted a raid at a fertilizer shop, located at Gannavaram and seized the contraband.

They arrested K. Venkata Suresh of Nellore, K. Sai Kumar of Gannavaram, both B. Tech graduates, K. Durga Karthik, M. Ganesh and V. Hemanth, all natives of Gannavara. The accused were selling the liquor ganja packed in small tins, at ₹2,000 each, Mr. Srinivasulu said.

The gang was targeting the youth and students in Krishna and the neighbouring places, the Additional DCP said.

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